3 helpful mental health resources available for small business owners
3 key resources to help reduce the pressure of running a small business
The past two years have brought mental health and wellbeing to the forefront of the workplace agenda like never before. Political upheaval, health crises, and financial concerns dominated the news, and we’ve all learned the importance of looking after our employees where we can.
However, the best business leaders know that you can’t pour from an empty pot, and with a recent Headspace survey showing that workplace stress is one of the top 3 concerns for all people in 2021, it’s time to ask, are you looking after yourself, too?With small business burdens such as finances, employee wellbeing, admin, and legal procedures to worry about, the pressure of running your own organisation can easily become overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with it alone.
Though there are a number of widely publicised resources available for employees who need support, it’s easy for those running the show to overlook their own needs. That’s why, we’ve rounded up three helpful resources available to provide small business owners and entrepreneurs with the support they might need as we approach 2022 and beyond.
1. Mental Health At Work Toolkit
Let’s face it, reducing workplace stress for your employees can be, well, stressful. With so much information out there, and without a dedicated HR team to work alongside, it can be tough to know where to begin.
Luckily, the team at Mental Health at Work have an array of free toolkits designed to guide small business owners through every step of the process.
Some of the resources available at no cost include a comprehensive guidebook filled with advice for small business owners on putting together a wellbeing strategy for your teams, a free and confidential mobile app to encourage your employees to take better care of themselves, and some practical tools that can be implemented instantly in your mental health strategy.
So browse the website, take advantage of the toolkits available to you, and unwind knowing that you can help manage employee stress without unnecessarily adding to your own.
2. Heads Up Small Business Resources
Once you’ve got your employees covered, it’s time to focus on you.
The pressures of running a small business are a lot to deal with at the best of times, and with additional burdens such as the financial crisis, the ongoing talent shortage and the ‘great reshuffle’ taking its toll, it’s completely understandable that you might require some additional support of your own.
Heads Up is a wonderful resource designed to help small business leaders cope with stress, anxiety and more. On their website you’ll find bespoke advice, tips, and actions you can take to help alleviate some of the pressures you likely face every day.
Downloadable resources include a Personal Wellbeing Plan template, and they also offer free mental health coaching for small business owners.
3. Headspace Membership
Though there are a handful of free resources available to you as a small business owner, those that have the budget available could consider a membership to a mindfulness solution such as Headspace.
32% of people reported less stress after just 30 days of using the app, and purpose driven mindfulness and meditation has been linked to feeling less burned out at work, making Headspace a great solution for your employees and yourself alike.
Remember, the solutions above are a great starting place for business owners looking to prioritise their wellbeing and minimise the everyday pressures of running an organisation, however if you’re struggling with your mental health, you should always speak to a GP.
Looking for more information on running your small business? Speak to one of our V-Hub Digital Advisors by phone.